Best epoxy flooring colours for garage floors


There is no shortage of epoxy flooring colours – some are sleek and subtle, and others are loud and out-there. Before you decide on the perfect hue for your garage, it’s crucial you understand the impact of your colour choice.

We may not be interior designers, but we are the epoxy experts Gold Coast and Brisbane locals trust. Here’s what we have learnt throughout the years about epoxy flooring colours for durable, long-lasting garage floors.

Epoxy flooring colours for garages

Selecting an epoxy colour for your garage floor is a little more involved than picking the hue you like the look of best. Different colours wear at different rates, and some are more vulnerable to discolouration.

Here are the major considerations to be aware of before you pull the trigger.

Epoxy yellowing

brown epoxy floor

Brown shades of epoxy are less likely to yellow over time

Just like paint, light-coloured epoxy is more susceptible to yellowing and fading than darker shades. White epoxy coatings are the most prone to yellowing, followed by light grey. If yellowing is a concern, opt for colours with a black base such as dark greys and charcoals. Earthy tones are the least likely to discolour, as brown shades are essentially pre-yellowed.

Our team of epoxy contractors use UV-stable polyurethane with the maximum amount of added ‘absorbers.’ These are the costliest part of the polyurethane but help protect your epoxy floor, which isn’t UV-stable in itself. Think of the absorbers as sunscreen for your floor.

Do keep in mind, however, that your floors may still discolour over time, depending on the colour you choose.

Epoxy discolouration at the garage entrance

discoloured epoxy

Exposed epoxy at the ‘lip’ of your garage door is vulnerable to discolouration

Think about your garage door when it closes – there is likely 20 cm or so of flooring still exposed. Subjected to UV light day in and day out, this ‘lip’ will discolour much faster than the floor under-roof, as shown in the image above. Depending on the orientation of your garage, this may or may not be a concern.

Light coloured epoxy garage flooring

light grey garage floor

Add flake to your light-coloured epoxy garage floor to protect against yellowing

If you have your heart set on a light-coloured garage floor, we advise against white. The closest suitable shade would be light grey, but even then, we recommend introducing a coloured flake. Lamington and Popcorn are popular epoxy finishes. The flake is UV stable, and the polyurethane top-coat also has robust UV-resistant properties. However, the small areas in between the flake can still discolour.

The quality of your concrete matters

concrete slab

Sub-standard concrete can affect the quality of your epoxy finish

Every concrete slab is supposed to be laid to an industry standard. Unfortunately, many are not, and sub-standard concrete can cause a whole host of issues regardless of the colour you choose. If you have what we would classify as a ‘soft’ or ‘boney’ slab, your concrete’s structural integrity may be compromised. Typically, this happens when too much water or various retarders or accelerants were added to aid the laying process, and ‘fines’ have risen to the top of the concrete.

Think about your concrete slab as a blank canvas for an artist. The better the quality, the better the outcome. That being said, there are several processes we can use during the epoxy preparation process to achieve excellent results.

Our epoxy garage floor colour recommendation

flake epoxy flooring

Darker colours pose fewer issues

It’s your home, and at the end of the day, the colour of your garage floor is up to you. But, if you want maximum durability and a long-lasting, true-to-colour finish, we recommend choosing a darker base coat colour. Darker colours and flake finishes pose fewer issues.

Transform your garage floor today

Whether you’re undecided or have an epoxy flooring colour in mind, contact us today for a fast and accurate quote. We’d be happy to provide personalised advice.

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About Euan Bennett

A self-confessed epoxy flooring nerd and dog lover, my great team and I just love transforming an ordinary floor into a thing of beauty with a carefully applied epoxy finish.