Animal Care Epoxy Flooring

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Seamless Finishes for Animal Care Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy or resin flooring is the perfect choice for animal care facilities,  because the seamless finish means there are no cracks or joints for bacteria to hide and grow, making it easier to maintain high levels of hygiene.   It delivers exceptional resistance to chemicals, bacteria and other contaminants, is aesthetically pleasing and performs well for many years.

What's the best type of epoxy system for animal facilities?

Tough Floors has consulted in depth with teams at pet resorts, shelters, councils, welfare groups and private facilities to ascertain the most robust system that does NOT harm the animals’ health.

With epoxies and various resin styles and systems, there are systems that are ‘fit for purpose’ BUT this does not necessarily mean they are optimal.

There is a ‘smelly’ solvent-borne system, and a ‘non-smelly’ 100% solids system. Technically, they both dry hard and one system is harder than the other.

Here are some important considerations:

  1. Outgassing – over time the floor can release gasses that contain a mild odour. This can be quite some time after the floor has been completed and is deemed safe for the animals. Would you want to take this risk?
  2. Permeation - during the coating process the ‘smell’ travels and can get into absorbent fabrics such as curtains, furniture and other absorbent materials, which means the smell can linger well after installation.
  3. Safety - Solvent-borne systems contain VOCs.  VOCs can cause irritations to the throat, nose and eyes. These compounds can also cause breathing problems and have been proven to damage the central nervous system as well as other areas of the body.

Tough Floors uses only a non-smelly 100% solids system, to ensure humans and animals remain safe.

We'd be delighted to deliver technical and product assistance to anyone involved with planning the construction or refurbishment of an animal facility.

Pet groomers & pet resorts

Pet grooming salons

Pet grooming salons can get messy, with hair on the floor, water from wash tubs and the inevitable animal ‘mishaps.’   A non-busy epoxy design is helpful in these facilities, as it makes it easier to find small items which are dropped on the floor.  Slip resistance and floor protection are also important and should therefore be factored into the design to keep your team and the animals safe.

Pet resorts

Animal resorts and hotels are treated slightly differently. They are typically areas where pets stay for multiple nights, sometimes weeks. These areas need maximum durability and safety.  Factors we discuss with you are resistance to staining from urination, and slip resistance to keep your team and animals safe, particularly in areas that have become wet.

Coving is often factored into the design so that cleaning with a hose or a commercial scrubbing machine is easier.

Lauren Romari, Barkin Beautiful, Brisbane

"After working in the dog grooming industry for 20 years and designing 6 different salons, after numerous types of flooring in the past we found epoxy flooring to be the perfect flooring suitable for our industry. Its functionality of its non slip coating and attractive clean polished look makes a statement and makes the salon look very professional as soon as you walk through the door. 

Being hard wearing is also perfectly hygienic and easy to clean when we have many dogs walking throughout the salon on a daily basis. I’m so happy with our flooring and the expertise of “Tough Floors” and couldn’t recommend them enough."

Here are a few of the many commercial clients who have engaged us to transform their premises with stunning epoxy flooring.